Laser cutting

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Just like the milling or turning that we offer, laser cutting is a form of material processing. This modern method allows for the manufacture of products of specific parameters and shapes, using specialised equipment. Such parts are, however, manufactured faster and more precisely than in case of methods used until recently.

The entire operation entailing the separation of material by removal of a part of it is performed using a laser cutter. The machine, thanks to which we are able to provide this service, emits electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum, in the ultraviolet or infrared range. This radiation is coherent and polarised. It has the shape of a beam that is aimed at the material being processed, separating the unwanted part of the material.

The cutting medium in this form of processing is amended by a technical gas. It serves as protection. In most cases it is nitrogen, argon or compressed air.

Technological process methods

The service may be provided thanks to various kinds of equipment emitting beams of light. The machine and its capacity significantly influence the mode of processing. The separation of material can thus be effected by way of:





The discussed method is commonly used in industry. This is because laser cutting allows the processing of many materials. The material separation service may cover the processing of steel, aluminium, non-ferrous metals, glass, wood or synthetic materials. In addition, electromagnetic radiation can be used for marking ,drilling or broadly perceived surface processing.